Financial Policy

If you have recently been involved in an automobile accident or sustained any other type of injuries, please inform this office.

We offer a variety of payment options that make us accessible to all of our patients. We accept cash patients on a fee-for-service basis, with payment due at the time services are rendered.

One option is that as the course of treatment is known and fully discussed and agreed upon, a special arrangement is offered. You will be asked to offer a fully valid bank debit card, which is scanned and locked securely into our software system to be used for payments in the future, which are agreed upon. There is no credit check, nor interest charged on our patient’s accounts. This allows for the financial aspect to be settled, then placing the importance on treatment.

For patients with insurance that covers chiropractic care, the staff will verify the extent of coverage and review the results with you. However, the final extent of your coverage and the exact amount of your liability can only be determined, after your bills have been processed by your insurance carrier, which often may take weeks to months. Until such time, the fees are due and payable at the time services are rendered.

If you have a financial hardship at the time of your needed care, please let the front desk staff know, so that financial arrangements can be made.

At Wallen Chiropractic, we are serious when we say, “our priority is our patient and patient’s care!”

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