About Us

Dr WallenDr. Ida S. Wallen attended Indiana and Purdue Universities for her undergraduate studies. While in college she worked as an apprentice pharmacist and was in the Pre-Pharmacy curriculum, until she learned more about Chiropractic. She then decided that her passion to care for others would be more rewarding and beneficial in an holistic form of health care.

She attended Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa, where she graduated in December of 1975. She practiced full-time in Davenport, beginning in December of 1975, while teaching on the faculty of Palmer College of Chiropractic.

During the initial years of practice in Iowa, Dr. Wallen thoroughly enjoyed offering Chiropractic care to pregnant women, new-born infants, and all forms of pediatric care. Government agencies reimbursed her for Chiropractic care as early as 1975, and most carriers continue to pay for Chiropractic care given to the entire family.

“Health Through Chiropractic Care is a Family Affair!”

In 1980, Dr. Wallen relocated to St. Petersburg, Florida where she became director and practitioner in a twenty-five year old practice. A second office was opened and staffed in 1986. For more than ten years she successfully maintained two Chiropractic clinics and two exercise rehabilitation facilities, with the aide of many associate doctors and staff.

In late 1988 Dr. Wallen opened the first Chiropractic rehabilitation facility in the state, named The Chiropractic Kinetic Movement Centre, Inc., where sixty percent of her patients were medical doctor referrals for pre and post-surgical conditions, as well as for strength training. She directed Exercise Physiologists, with their Masters Degrees, to work one-on-one with her patients.

During the years of 1996, 1997, and 1998, Dr. Wallen attended classes to study in depth Spinal/Joint Exercise Rehabilitation, through continuing education, a total of 300 credit hours, further academic testing, resulting in a Level Three of the American Chiropractic Rehabilitation Board.

Her desire to attract patients who take responsibility for his or her health is what has motivated Dr. Wallen to continue to care for those in need, regardless of the patient’s health condition, age, or cause of the injuries and conditions of the spine. Patients are treated who injure themselves at home by lifting, jarring themselves, overworking, and those injured on the job, or who are suffering from serious injuries resulting from an automobile-type accident. She firmly believes:

“Until Chiropractic has been Tried,..Not All Has Been Done.”®



When a new patient enters Wallen Chiropractic for consultation and care, it must first be determined whether the patient has a condition of a Chiropractic nature. Then, if the patient’s condition may respond to Dr. Wallen’s care, an examination is completed, and any further diagnostic-type of examination may be ordered at that time.

Chiropractic care is the primary form of treatment offered by Dr. Wallen, although various forms of therapies are available to enhance the patient’s body to maintain the Chiropractic adjustment, and, thereby, heal all tissues faster.

Specific spinal adjustments of subluxated/misaligned vertebrae, as well as extremity adjustments, are made both manually and with specialized instruments, used as merely an extension of Dr. Wallen’s hands. Extremities adjusted/manipulated include the following:

• The temporal-mandibular joints – TMJ – often found with dental issues, auto accidents, and falls
• Wrists, due Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, repetitive-motion-type injuries, and various other disassociations of the bones in the wrists
• Shoulders, due to injuries from falls, auto accidents, and repetitive-motion-type injuries
• Feet – Feet may often negatively adapt to improper fitting shoes, injuries from auto accidents, and sports-type injuries

Other therapies provided for patient care include the following:

• Massage Therapy by a licensed massage therapist
• Ultrasound
• Diathermy
• Intersegmental Traction
• Hot Fomentation
• Cryo Therapy
• Paraffin Bath for injured hands and feet

In addition, nutritional and rehabilitation consulting is available.

Dr. Wallen continues to practice in excess of thirty-seven years because she believes firmly that “the God that made the body fortunately continues to heal the body.” Often it is the physician’s responsibility to assist the patient in removing all factors that prevents the healing, by taking nothing away from the patient (example: surgery), and by putting nothing into the body (example: drugs). She feels that often changing one’s personal habits, postural issues, and learning why the body malfunctions and is structurally stressed, sometimes aides significantly in the recovery of one’s health and the relief of pain.

Dr. Wallen realizes that a patient comes to her primarily because of PAIN, and her intent is to correct the cause of the pain as quickly as possible to afford the patient relief. This may take twenty-four hours to ten days. If results are not apparent by then, perhaps Dr. Wallen will consider making an outside referral for you. Following relief, it will be explained that the next step to take is to CORRECT THE CAUSE OF THE CONDITION, to make a complete correction, if possible. This may take a minimum of nine to twelve months, or longer, depending upon the condition, and on a gradually reduced frequency basis.

Medications and surgeries may be indicated, in her opinion, when there is a “limitation of matter”, when the condition is so acute and the body is so debilitated, gross fractures and gross misalignments, and perhaps if there are circumstances such as hereditary factors or anomalies at birth.

Chiropractic is all about bringing the health of the patient’s body to an optimum level of health, through corrections of spinal subluxations, allowing for normal nerve supply. The central nervous system is “housed” in the skull and spinal column. The sole reason Dr. Wallen adjusts the spine and extremities is due to the relationship of the skull and spine to the nervous system. By approximating the vertebrae and extremities, realigning the bones, postural stress, any impingement on nerves that provide a sensory or motor function for the body are all relieved. What this means is that the nervous system controls what the body feels, how the body reacts, and maintains a balance at all times throughout the body physically, chemically, and structurally. Without this, health cannot be maintained at an optimal level.

“Chiropractic is for those who can’t afford to stop living a full life.”®