Professional Care by Caring Professionals


What We Do

Children & Chiropractic

Growing up with a healthy spine makes for healthy kids. Let me be clear, chiropractic for kids does not treat any disease. It corrects spinal misalignment’s that can interfere with the brain’s messages to the body, through the nerve highway that is the spinal…
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During pregnancy, there are many changes that take place in the body in order to create the proper environment for growing and nurturing your baby. These changes are both physical and hormonal. The physical changes can result in the following…

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Treatment Plan

The chiropractor will establish specific goals for a patient’s individual plan for treatment:
~ Short-term goals include reducing pain and restoring normal joint function and muscle balance.
~ Long-term goals include restoring functional independence and tolerance to normal activities of daily living.

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Healthy life-style is the fundamental reason to be winning in life. Achieving life goals always goes side by side with the on-going self-improvement process. It takes efforts and brings results. It looks hard but forms good habits. It’s sane to do just because…

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If your body is getting essential nutrients including carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins and minerals, it will help your body function, which includes digesting, absorbing, metabolizing and excreting which leads to homeostasis. Bad eating habits that include…

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Myths and Facts

Myth: Chiropractic treatment involves cracking my spine. Fact: One part of Chiropractic treatment involves applying quick, precise pressure to the joint, which creates a cracking or a popping noise. This is called an adjustment. The popping noise doesn’t come from…

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“Health Through Chiropractic Care is a Family Affair!”

Dr. Ida S. Wallen attended Indiana and Purdue Universities for her undergraduate studies. While in college she worked as an apprentice pharmacist and was in the Pre-Pharmacy curriculum, until she learned more about Chiropractic. She then decided that her passion to care for others would be more rewarding and beneficial in an holistic form of health care.


What People Are Saying

I have been a patient for twelve years, and highly recommend Dr. Wallen. She is knowledgeable, professional, and has a gentle spirit. She has assisted in my recovery from two auto accidents throughout the twelve years, and in between I have maintainence visits which keep me aligned and flexible. ~ Kaethe Perez

Very knowledgable and caring. Best experience at a doctors office ever. Would recommend anyone to see Doctor Wallen for care. ~ Johnny Le

Dr. Wallen treats me with integrity and sincerity as she treats my physical injuries with the utmost professional care. She takes my overall health into consideration while treating me. I feel better after each visit. ~ Sam Engstrom

Since being under Dr. Wallen’s care, my pain has been greatly reduced without pain pills. I no longer take any pills for high pressure, and I have no headaches. ~ Google Review


9375 US Highway 19 N Suite B
Pinellas Park, FL 33782



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